Welcome to Grace Lutheran’s little corner of the internet! We are excited to have this space where you can read about future events here at Grace Lutheran in Burnaby as well as whatever else we decide to add onto this website. We are glad to have you.
Grace Lutheran is a congregation that is committed to serving our God and our community. We have our Worship Service every Sunday at 10am. We also have our Communion Services every first, second and third Sunday of the month at the same time. All are welcome to these services as we hear and learn more about God’s presence in our world today and what that means for our lives. We also have a Sunday School for the young ones that meets every second and fourth Sunday of the month at the same time as our worship service.
Grace Lutheran is a congregation that is part of the larger Lutheran Church. We are a part of the BC Synod, which in turn is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), which in turn is a part of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). But even though we have all these names under our belt, we are mainly God-fearing Christians who are committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people, regardless of who you are, where you’re from or how you have been brought up. The grace that Christ brings is big enough to cover all peoples, and we are firm believers of that.
We also have a preschool here at Grace Lutheran for children from the ages of 2.5 to 5 years. If you are interested in more information about our preschool, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Grace Lutheran Church is a church that is deeply concerned with family and community. We are a church that is rooted in the Gospel of Christ. We are a people called by God to serve in our neighbourhood and all those around us. But most of all, we are a people who aren’t perfect but believe that God loves all people anyway, in spite of their imperfections.
And that is the message we proclaim: the love that we undeservedly have from the Almighty God! That, my friends, is good news!