Hi everyone,
So I know this post is really late, but I have a better reason than “I’m tired” as to why. Today is our daughter’s birthday! And of course, out of the whole family, she is the big birthday person and goes all out to celebrate for everyone’s birthday, not just her own. But since she just turned 7, “all out” is basically a huge and a hand drawn picture on a scrap piece of paper usually. Oh, and big promises of big gifts that she has no means whatsoever to pay for (I’m still waiting for my new car and one of the boys is supposed to get a trip somewhere nice).
So, for today she had all these ideas of things she wanted to do: lunch from McDonald’s (of course), Zoom chat with her friends (a bunch of screaming grade 1 kids with no idea what online chat etiquette looks like), outing to the playground (of course), watch some Back to the Future 3 (her favourite series now), and dinner at White Spot. Then of course, cake before the night is up (the custom “Back to the Future with a unicorn on top for some strange reason” cake made by her mom can be seen in the post’s featured image).
So it was a busy day to say the least. But hey, it’s our daughter and you probably would have imagined that we’d do everything we can for her, as with our other kids, of course. A few busy hours is worth it knowing that they are happy, cared for, and feel loved.
Here are the readings for this upcoming Sunday:
Acts 10:44-48
Psalm 98
1 John 5:1-6
John 15:9-17
That… is a lot of love talk. But I get it. As a parent, the love one can have for their child can be almost immeasurable. That might be obvious, as a child is a part of us, an extension of who we are, the very definition of family. But that isn’t the only definition of family, is it? I remember years ago learning that the actual definition of family has “a group of one or more that self defines as a family” or something like that.
So families can come in all shapes and sizes, all make ups and molds. But I think something that can be added to the above definition is that love would be the frilly ribbon that ties all members of that self-defined family together. Love is the metaphorical glue. Love is common factor.
And we are called to share this love with each other, as we can regard everyone as part of the same one family in Christ. That isn’t to say that we’ll need to spend all day with complete strangers on their birthdays, but I mean that there is a lot of love to go around, and that can take form in respect, generosity, and just general not being hateful. Imagine what the world would be like if we all loved like that. Better than how it is now, that is for sure.
Perhaps we’ll make it there some day, perhaps we won’t. But my hope is in those among us who do, who can, and who will continue to love like this, for theirs truly is the kingdom of God.
Thanks be to God for them and all of you! Have a great week!