Hi everyone,
Happy Father’s Day! It is a perfect day out there for a BBQ, fun in the sun, and just laying around in a hammock! But of course, I’m quite certain that my kids will spend the rest of the day indoors playing video games.
Seriously, I wish I were joking.
But I understand. I played a great deal of video games in my youth, and while I do believe that video games have helped in developing my exceptional hand-eye coordination, my critical thinking and problem solving skills, and my affinity for great story telling, I also blame video games for my very awful, below-average GPA and slight tendency for a very short attention span.
But hey, I got pretty good at them. So good in fact, that my kids ask me for help in their specific game. So much that it seems like that is all I am to them (that, and finishing their leftovers). The problem is that the games they play are new, and I haven’t even played them before, so I barely even know how to make the character jump, let alone how to compete a certain stage of the game.
Yet they ask. And ask. And ask. They believe deeply in the skills and talent that I’ve developed and honed over the years and think that it will assist them in their games now. Thank goodness for Google for helping me help them.
Here are next week’s readings:
Job 38:1-11
Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32
2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Mark 4:35-41
Trust is a big thing for us. When we trust someone, we believe them, we believe in them, we believe they can do what it is we trust them to do. This week’s readings show us how God is trustworthy, not just because God says so, but because God has proven to be trustworthy time and again throughout history.
We see how it is God who has created the earth. We see how it is God who calms the storms. We see how it is God who loves, forgives, and saves us from all that separates us from God and each other.
As I’ve given my kids reason to trust me to be able to help in their video game playing, so God has given us an infinite number of reasons to trust in God’s promises and truth for us all, to lead us to new heights of relationship and community, to empower us in our service and ministry, and to fill us with eternal joy and peace.
Life may not be as simple as a video game, nor do we get multiple lives and cheats and guides and walkthroughs from Google. But we have the God who has created all that we see, all that we are, and all that we know on our side. And this God helps us, guides us, and leads us through the storms of our lives, filling us with grace, peace, and love.
Thanks be to God! Have a great week, everyone!