Hi everyone,
So this past week was the end-of-school-week-of-concerts, and it’s not even done yet. Between all 3 kids, we had 8 different concerts to go to, ranging from the dance studio to their school and even to another 3rd party venue. It was a lot of driving, waiting in line, and looking at the back of parents’ heads.
I have to give it to our kids though, they pulled through (or most of them did, we still have one to go to tomorrow). They practiced hard, remembered their stuff, and were focussed through their performance. I should say that I’m not just having a “proud dad” moment, but other parents noticed one of our kids in particular and how well they performed, almost surprisingly so.
Many of you may know that our kids are usually pretty shy, quiet, and reserved. But with one of them, somehow once they’re on stage it’s like a totally different person. It’s funny how that works.
Well, I guess it’s the hard work put in over the school year. I’m not always there to see the practices, rehearsals, and the mistakes, but I sure did see the final product. And I’ll have to say again, it was pretty good.
So maybe I am having a proud dad moment, but while I don’t know how it all worked and was put together, I can see that it really worked well and was well put together. For that, I am grateful
Here are the readings for next week:
Ezekiel 17:22-24
Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15
2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17
Mark 4:26-34
Ah, the old “kingdom of heaven is like” parables. We don’t get very many in the gospel according to Mark, I think this week we’re getting 2 out of the 3 total in the whole book, and if memory serves me correctly, I don’t think we get the last one at all this year.
But we have the 2 for this week, and they are no less confusing than the others that we get in Matthew (way way more) and Luke (about the same amount but different ones). The point is, the kingdom of heaven is confusing.
Actually, God’s whole character is confusing. I mean, how can an all powerful, all knowing, and all everything-else God be so benevolent, so gracious, so loving? How can God care about us so much to provide a way out of our sin? How can a God do so much just to save us?
Truth is, I don’t know. I don’t know how it works. But I can see the results. I see God’s presence in community. I see God’s hand of reconciliation in relationships. And I see God’s grace in our lives being changed for the better.
There is a lot out there that I don’t understand. And the best I can do is just admit that I might never. But that doesn’t change the fact that God is good, God is kind, and God chooses to love us all.
Thanks be to God! Have a great week, everyone!
Photo by Nihal Demirci Erenay on Unsplash