
From the Desktop of the Pastor – Week of the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany

Hi everyone,

So the other day I was chatting with an old friend and the conversation, as it seems to always do, evolved to be about my kids.  Not that my kids are wonderful conversational pieces, mind you, but because sometimes that is the only thing parents think about.

Anyway, in our conversation I remember talking about how different my kids are from each other.  One of them acts a little bit like me, another acts a little bit like my wife, and yet another acts like an actual good person (I’ll let you decide which is which).  I just found it funny how these 3 kids of the same exact parents and roughly the same parenting style, generally the same experience and definitely the same house (you can hear them as proof) could be so different in so many different ways.  They all shine in their own way, they all have their own set of faults, and they absolutely have their own opinions about pretty much anything and they’ll voice them too, you can be sure about that.

Yet, here we are, a family.  Each one of us plays a vital role in our unit, and whatever that role may be, our family just wouldn’t be the same without them (not that they’ll be going anywhere anytime soon… like at all).

Here are the readings for next week:
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21

We, as God’s children, have been called to live as one body.  We all have our strengths, weaknesses, and opinions, but we are all to be one body.  We all have different talents and faults, different likes and dislikes, different ways of doing things.  We have different ways of understanding things, hearing things, and seeing things.  We are all just so different.

And yet, God knows this and invites us anyway.  God sees our differences and calls us in.  God has created us unique and gives us gifts that help bring out the community, strengthens our service, and allows us to proclaim to all the good news.

We all have our own calling, be it a parent, a child, a teacher, a student, an employer, an employee, or the countless number of other things that we are.  And in that calling, God anoints us with the Spirit, empowers us with truth, and sends us into the world as God’s hands and feet, bringing healing, peace, and love.

I pray for all of us that God’s call be apparent throughout our lives and that we might faithfully serve the role that we’ve been given, that in spite of our differences we can work together in our specific function for the good of all people and as a family.  Thanks be to God!

Have a great week, everyone!

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