Hi everyone,
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
I’ve been waiting a long time for this Easter day, just to be able to freely say that (while waiting for other things, like the time to do our taxes). And what a great day for Easter it is! The sun is shining, the trees are blooming, and the sanctuary felt very full this morning! Not that this church thing is a numbers game, but really there is something to be said about a full sanctuary with the variety of voices, ages, and backgrounds.
And it was quite a variety today.
With a mix of the very young (like a month old) to the not so young (up to somewhere that I didn’t ask about), from newcomers to very familiar faces, even from different cultures and traditions. It was truly great.
Because as much as there is something to be said about the numbers, there is also something to said about the variety. In fact, I’d wager that there is more to be said about it, as it’s in the variety that we more fully see Christ working in and through us, joining us of different walks, backgrounds, and ages to be one community, one family, one body in which we can be who we are created to be: a diverse people of God.
I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Easter!
Here are the readings for next week:
Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 133
1 John 1:1–2:2
John 20:19-31
Again, we get the infamous Doubting Thomas text, and while I won’t rehash why the whole Doubting Thomas moniker isn’t all that fair, I do want to say how interesting it is that Jesus took the time to show up for Thomas as well, after already showing up for the women at the tomb and the other disciples in the upper room. Now all of them can honestly say “I have seen the Lord.”
Because as we see in the other readings, Jesus shows up in different ways to different people. Maybe it’s in the breaking of bread. Maybe it’s in community and relationship. Maybe it’s through the healing of the physical and spiritual wounds of life. Jesus shows up.
It’s possible that we don’t see it right away. Perhaps we don’t recognise it right away. Or still, we might not even believe it right away. But Jesus shows up. Where we least expect, where we least look, or right there in front of our faces. Jesus. Shows. Up.
This is the joy of resurrection, knowing that life doesn’t end with life ending, but that our effect and influence and story carry on through our community, our relationships, and even our diversity. For we are one in the body of Christ, and this body lasts forever!
Thanks be to God! Have a great week, everyone!
Photo by William Warby on Unsplash