
From the Desktop of the Pastor – Week of the 1st Sunday of Christmas

Hi everyone,

Merry Christmas! After service this morning, I went home to open our gifts with the kids, had some lunch, and I was completely beat. My wife suggested I take a nap and I was a bit reluctant to as I felt like I should be spending time with the kids on Christmas. But they were on their screens anyway and I guess the fatigue got to me and I fell asleep.

And I woke up and I had the urge to write in this blog. I know, it’s Christmas and I should be on holidays, but the way I see it I’m technically on the clock until tomorrow when my time off really starts, and I feel that we need to hear God’s Word, especially on this day when we remember that very Word become flesh.

The Word that is with us, the Word that is in us, the Word that is around us and remains forever.

I mean, it’s been a tough week probably for all of us with the snow and keeping up with the news of how the weather has affected our city, and even though we had our Christmas services last night and this morning, the Word continues to be with us.

These are the readings for next week:
Isaiah 63:7-9
Psalm 148

Hebrews 2:10-18

Matthew 2:13-23

You know, I’ve always had a hard time with this chapter in Jesus’ life, with Herod killing all these children. It’s so horrific to think of how broken the families are left without their firstborns. It’s heartbreaking to hear that such a cold and evil act could have ever happened. It’s gut wrenching to think that these kids weren’t saved when little baby Jesus was.

And so I wrestled with this text, tried to see how there could be any kind of hope in it, I wanted to figure out how a “good God” could allow all these horrors to happen.

But then it dawned on me, it’s not that God made these things happen, evil in the world did. God didn’t kill those children, Herod did. God didn’t abandon those families who lost their children, but rather God showed the world that even in the midst of the pain and suffering, hope can survive.

The world is a difficult place. We face various evils in our lives. Life can sometimes feel impossible. But through it all, God’s Word made flesh will survive. The Immanuel, God with us, is steadfast and eternal. We are promised that nothing in this world, not evil, not violence, not rulers, and not even death can remove us from God’s hand of love.

This consistency is the good news I now see in this passage. This steadfast promise that no matter what happens around us, God remains true. This hope in knowing that we are, have been, and always will be God’s beloved children, lifted up out of despair and saved from the consequences of our sin.

This Christmas, may we remember this promise of hope. May we remember our position in God’s family and kingdom. May we remember always that we are dearly and wholly loved.

Thanks be to God! Have a wonderful Christmas season and joyous New Year!

Photo by Giselle Lazcano on Unsplash

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