
From the Desktop of the Pastor – Week of All Saints Sunday

Hi everyone,

I’m going to admit that I have been having a tough week for various reasons.   There is always the obvious busy work and home life of a parent that seems unending when it comes to tasks and responsibilities.  But seeing the violence around the world, especially in the States, is bothersome too.  And I sometimes feel the need to carry the burdens of my friends and loved ones, and there are a few that aren’t having a great run of things lately.  And all this rain happening really isn’t helping whatsoever.

Life is just tough.

So much so that I had a really hard time getting out of bed this morning.  It was dark and gloomy and I was just so tired.

But you know what?  I am really glad that I forced myself out of bed.  We had a great service today celebrating the Lutheran Reformation and unveiling our new gorgeous banner.  We worshiped using a snazzy new setting that we’ll hopefully get better at as time goes on.  We were privileged to sing along side our community choir who presented a song and helped us with the new setting.  And after it all we a great time of fellowship with our annual Bratwurst Luncheon.

It wasn’t a good week, but today was definitely a good day.

Here are the readings for next week:
Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 24
Revelation 21:1-6a
John 11:32-44

You know, I’m not sure how often we use the term “resurrection” in our everyday language.  I know I don’t use it often at all, and it is one of the main topics I preach about every week.  But in this week’s readings we see that… resurrection.  In the very famous story of the raising of Lazarus, we see resurrection.  We also see resurrection in the end times as depicted in Revelation and Isaiah.  And… if we look for it… we see resurrection in our own lives.

Wait, we might think, how can we be resurrected?  We’re not even dead yet! (not yet at least)

But resurrection doesn’t necessarily mean just the reanimation of something that has died, but it could mean the presence and recognition of life where there seems to be only death.  It could mean that silver lining on those storm clouds that are looming over my office window right now.  It could mean just seeing the good in an otherwise dreadful week.

It will still rain today and perhaps for many more days to come.  There will still be violence in the States and around the world.  Those that we loved and have died will unfortunately stay dead.

But there is resurrection!

In the midst of the rain we see the cleansing of the earth.  In the life-changing violence we see a sense of justice stirring up in others.  Even in the death of loved ones we see the life that they have given to us and those around us.

This is our story as an Easter people.  This is our calling as Christians.  This is our identity as God’s beloved children.  Called, welcomed, and accepted by the gracious love of God, allowing us to see that while not every day is a good day, there is still good in every day.

Peace be with you all.  Have a great week, everyone!

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