
From the Desktop of the Pastor – Week of Palm/Passion Sunday

Hi everyone,

Well, I am back from a short couple weeks off to spend Spring Break with my kids, and let me tell ya, I am tired.  While kids are fun and all that, they sure take a lot of energy.  Not just to keep up with them running away from you at the playground and mall and in church, but also to be able to be present in all their emotional ups and downs from being happy then sad then angry to indifferent and suddenly sad again.  And all these very random and difficult questions like asking why the universe was made to why people die to how do whales wipe their bums.  It’s just so much.

But I’m not complaining (I don’t think).  Kids are a handful, but they are a joy.  And through it all I am reminded of how we, as adults, are just as fickle and indecisive and emotional and have random nonsensical questions.  We’re just better at hiding it than the kids are.

Having said that, let’s get to next week’s readings as I am in serious need of a nap or something.  They are:
Luke 19:28-40 (processional gospel)
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 31:9-16
Philippians 2:5-11
Luke 22:14–23:56

This upcoming Sunday is a funny one, as we mash both the Palm Sunday celebration with the Passion Sunday mourning.  We the joy and sadness, the excitement and guilt, the welcoming Jesus in and then pushing him out again, all in one Sunday.  So it is quite the emotional roller coaster.

Hey, it’s kind of like being a parent.

But through it all, we know that God is present.  God continues to hold us, guide us, and grant to us the peace that surpasses understanding.  That whatever roller coaster we find ourselves in, we can rely on God’s promise of love and community, strengthening us for what is to come.

May whatever the upcoming Holy Week brings for us, may we be filled with God’s blessing and grace, reminded that God lives and acts out of God’s love for us, redeeming us into community as the Body of Christ in the world.  Thanks be to God!

Have a great week, everyone!

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