
From the Desktop of the Pastor – Week of Transfiguration of Our Lord Sunday

Hi everyone,

My daughter is now at the age where she can string words together enough to make a half-coherent sentence.  Actually, I’m probably exaggerating “half-coherent” as it’s probably much less than that.  She can point out things here and there quite clearly, but most of the time when she’s trying to relay a message or tell me a story about something, usually I have little to no clue as to what on earth she is talking about.

It’s like she’s speaking a different language.  Well, to me it’s like she’s speaking a different language, but I’m pretty sure she makes total sense to herself in her head.  And even if she doesn’t, she isn’t going to let a little incoherence stop her from trying to tell me the story that she is trying to tell me.  Whatever it may be, perhaps she found a toy she had been looking for, or there is a neat picture in a book, or maybe something is on fire, she is going to say what she needs to say.

The message she wants to convey is that important to her, that no amount of inability to understand or preoccupation in something else or lack of care on my part will deter her from her mission.  She just needs to get what she wants to say out.

And God bless her for it, because it really is a lot funnier than it is annoying (just so long as she isn’t trying to say something to me while I’m playing video games)

The readings for Transfiguration Sunday are:
Exodus 24:12-18
Psalm 2
II Peter 1:16-21
Matthew 17:1-9

We have two well-known stories here in these readings, one made famous by having a Sunday of the Transfiguration every year, and the other by Charlton Heston.  Both I find interesting because both truly are stories to tell.  I mean think about it, if you saw someone just hanging out and suddenly turned dazzling white and had light emitting from their very being, don’t you think you’d talk about it?

While it’s true that we don’t see this often (or at all outside of superhero movies), I think we do see the light of Christ shining around us in the world, in other people, and even in our own lives.  And when we see it, when we recognise it, it will be a sight to behold indeed.  Something that we won’t be able to contain or keep secret, but it will be so exciting that it will need to get out.

This is the message that Peter gives us as well, one of excitement and urgency to tell all people of our faith and how this light of Christ has been present for us.  We are witnesses to God’s work in the world and we have been given the privilege of being able to recognise and understand it.

So how do we see Christ’s light in our lives?  In our family?  In our relationships and community?  In the service we and others do to make the world a better place?

Whatever it is, may that light continually shine in and through you, informing your lives of love and faith as we share our stories with all those around us through our words and deeds.

Have a great week, everyone!

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